Research Summary

Participants: Amol Borkar (Lead), Monson Hayes, and Mark Smith

Improving public safety on roads and highways has always been a topic of interest to the automotive industry and government agencies. Driver Assistance (DA) systems are systems that provide aid to the driver once inside the vehicle. DA systems are gaining significant interest as powerful electronics capable of handling complex tasks are capable of being integrated into the automobile. Lane departure warning, lane change assistance, blind spot monitoring, and adaptive cruise control are a few examples of popular DA systems.

This research is concerned with the development of a robust and inexpensive real-time lane detection and tracking system that may be used to assist the driver is maintaining control of the car, providing alerts to the driver of unsafe lane changes, and detecting fatigue through swerve monitoring.

Currently, the lane detection system consists of (hardware description here). Lane detection is perfommed using a layered approach that includes (more description here).

The next phase of design will include the addition of a second, rear-looking camera.

Lane Detection at Night




Journal Papers

  1. A. Borkar, M.H. Hayes, and M. Smith, “A Novel Framework for Evaluating Lane Detection Systems“, to appear in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2011.

Conference Papers

  1. A. Borkar, M. Hayes, M.T. Smith, S. Pankanti, “A Simple Approach to Lane Detection Using a Combination of the Hough Transform and Iterated Matched Filters,” 2009 IEEE Workshop on Computational Intelligence in Vehicles and Vehicular Systems, March 30 – April 2, 2009, Nashville, TN
  2. A. Borkar, M. Hayes, M.T. Smith, S. Pankanti, “A Layered Lane Detection System,” to be presented at Ninth Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Xi’an, China, Sept. 23-27, 2009.
  3. A. Borkar, M. Hayes, M. Smith, "Robust Lane Detection and Tracking with RANSAC and Kalman Filtering," to appear in Proc. 2009 Int. Conf. on Image Processing, Cairo, Egypt, October, 2009.
  4. A. Borkar, M. Hayes, and M.T. Smith, “Lane Detection and Tracking Using a Layered Approach,” Proc.11th Int. Conf. on Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems, pp. 474-484, Bordeaux, France, Oct. 2009.
  5. A. Borkar, M. Hayes, M. Smith. An Efficient Method to Generate Ground Truth For Evaluating Lane Detection Systems. 2010 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, to appear in Proc. 2010 Int. Conf. on Acoust., Speech, and Sig. Proc., Dallas, TX., April 2010.
  6. A. Borkar, M.H. Hayes, and M. Smith, “Detecting Lane Markers in Complex Urban Environments," Proc. Second IEEE International Workshop on Intelligent Vehicular Networks, San Francisco, CA, Nov. 2010.
  7. A. Borkar, M.H. Hayes, and M. Smith, “A Template Matching and Ellipse Modeling Approach to Detecting Lane Markers," Proc. 12th International. Conf. on Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems (ACIVS 2010), Sydney, Australia, p. 179-190, Dec. 2010
  8. A. Borkar, M.H. Hayes, and M. Smith, “Lane Detection Using Constraints of Parallel Lines", International Conference on Consumer Electronics, Las Vegas, NV, January 2011.
  9. A. Borkar, M.H. Hayes, and M. Smith, “Detecting Lane Markers in a Complex Environment Using a Single Camera Approach,” Proceedings IASTAD Inter. Conf. on Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition, and Applications, Innsbruck, Austria, February, 2011.
  10. A. Borkar, M.H. Hayes, and M. Smith, “Polar Randomized Transform for Lane Detection Using Loose Constraints of Parallel Lines,” Proc. of 2011 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Prague, Czech Republic, May 2011.
  11. A. Borkar, M.H. Hayes, M. Smith. "A Non Overlapping Camera Network: Calibration and Application Towards Lane Departure Warning." International Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision, and Pattern Recognition (IPCV 2011), Las Vegas, July 2011.
  12. A. Borkar, M.H. Hayes, and M. Smith, "A New Multi-Camera Approach For Lane Departure Warning," to appear in "Proc. Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems (ACIVS 2011), Delft, Belgium, August 2011.


Amol Borkar

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